Gestics - Fußball - Drei Pakete für alle Bedürfnisse
Systemanforderungen: Funktioniert mit allen Systemen, auf denen LibreOffice Version 5 oder höher mit Windows, Linux und Mac OS X aktiviert wird.
Version: 2.0 - Deutsch
Objektcode: foo-3pack-2.0-deu

Gestics - Futsal
Full Pack - Komplett
Description: Create, save, and print easily and in no time at all sport exercises, sports drills and training, tutorials, techniques and tactics of futsal. Are you a coach, a speaker or a teacher? Gestics is the right solution for your needs. Full version with fields, players, accessories and symbols.
Systemanforderungen: Funktioniert mit allen Systemen, auf denen LibreOffice Version 5 oder höher mit Windows, Linux und Mac OS X aktiviert wird.
Version: 2.0 - Deutsch
Objektcode: fut-2.0-deu
Preis: 49,00 €
Gestics - Futsal
Extra Pack - Mehr Spieler
Description: For the most demanding people we thought we would make this extra package with over 300 new models of players and goalkeepers in training phases and play. Given that the Full Pack, ie the full version with fields, players, accessories and symbols already contains everything needed to create their own sports exercises, sports drills and training, tutorials, techniques and tactics.
Systemanforderungen: Funktioniert mit allen Systemen, auf denen LibreOffice Version 5 oder höher mit Windows, Linux und Mac OS X aktiviert wird.
Version: 2.0 - Deutsch
Objektcode: fut-ep-ot-pl-2.0-deu
Preis: € 19.00
Gestics - Futsal
Extra Pack - Fußballfelder
Description: For those who in addition to making its activities in indoor fields also use the stadium blankets or other facilities or carry out activities of traditional football, we decided to prepare this package that integrates into Full Pack with all the necessary fields.
Systemanforderungen: Funktioniert mit allen Systemen, auf denen LibreOffice Version 5 oder höher mit Windows, Linux und Mac OS X aktiviert wird.
Version: 2.0 - Deutsch
Objektcode: fut-ep-fu-fi-2.0-deu
Preis: € 9.00
Gestics - Futsal - Drei Pakete für alle Bedürfnisse
Systemanforderungen: Funktioniert mit allen Systemen, auf denen LibreOffice Version 5 oder höher mit Windows, Linux und Mac OS X aktiviert wird.
Version: 2.0 - Deutsch
Object Code: fut-3pack-2.0-deu

Gestics - Basketball
Full Pack - Complete
Description: Create, save, and print easily and in no time at all sport exercises, sports drills and training, tutorials, techniques and tactics of basketball. Are you a coach, a speaker or a teacher? Gestics is the right solution for your needs. Full version with fields, players, accessories and symbols.
System Requirements: Works with all systems where it turns LibreOffice or OpenOffice version 5 or higher with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Version: 2.0 - English
Object Code: bas-2.0-eng
Price: € 49.00
Gestics - Basketball
Extra Pack - More Players
Description: For the most demanding people we have thought of making this extra package with over 300 new models of players in training and play phases. Even if the Full Pack, that is the complete version with fields, players, accessories and symbols already contains everything you need to create your own sports exercises, with this package that is integrated into the Full Pack the program is enriched with many new galleries.
System Requirements: Works with all systems where it turns LibreOffice or OpenOffice version 5 or higher with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Version: 2.0 - English
Object Code: bas-ep-ot-pl-2.0-eng
Price: € 19.00
Gestics - Basketball
Extra Pack - More Symbols
Description: This pack contains tons of new, top view and stylized player symbols, t-shirts, triangles and more. In this package which is integrated in the Full Pack it is possible to find many images, organized in galleries, which represent further images and symbols of this sport.
System Requirements: Works with all systems where it turns LibreOffice or OpenOffice version 5 or higher with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Version: 2.0 - English
Object Code: bas-ep-ot-sy-2.0-eng
Price: € 9.00
Gestics - Basketball - Three packages for all needs
System Requirements: Works with all systems where it turns LibreOffice or OpenOffice version 5 or higher with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Version: 2.0 - English
Object Code: bas-3pack-2.0-eng
THE PRODUCT IS IN DOWNLOAD: Once you have purchased the product, you will be provided the link from which to download the installation file.
You'll find the "LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR END-user - LICENSE FOR PERSONAL USE" included in the installation file.
The link from which to download will be sent by e@mail, to the email address provided at the time of payment.
Gestics - MOVEMENT AND SPORTS GAMES FOR KIDS - Full Pack - Complete
Description: Create, save, and print easily and in no time graphical representations of games, sports exercises, sports drills and training, tutorials, techniques and tactics in MOVEMENT AND SPORTS GAMES FOR KIDS. Are you a coach, a speaker or a teacher? Gestics is the right solution for your needs. Full version with fields, symbols of players and accessories. |
System Requirements: Works with all systems where it turns LibreOffice or OpenOffice version 3.5 or higher with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Version: 1.0 - English
Object Code: trg-1.0-eng
Price: € 49.00
Gestics - Waterpolo - Full Pack - Complete
Description: Create, save, and print easily and in no time at all sport exercises, sports drills and training, tutorials, techniques and tactics of water polo. Are you a coach, a speaker or a teacher? Gestics is the right solution for your needs. Full version with fields, players, accessories and symbols. |
System Requirements: Works with all systems where it turns LibreOffice or OpenOffice version 3.5 or higher with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Version: 1.0 - English
Object Code: wat-1.0-eng
Price: € 49.00
Gestics - Volleyball - Full Pack - Complete
Description: Create, save, and print easily and in no time at all sport exercises, sports drills and training, tutorials, techniques and tactics of volleyball. Are you a coach, a speaker or a teacher? Gestics is the right solution for your needs. Full version with fields, players, accessories and symbols. |
System Requirements: Works with all systems where it turns LibreOffice or OpenOffice version 3.5 or higher with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Version: 1.0 - English
Object Code: vol-1.0-eng
Price: € 49.00
Gestics - Rugby - Full Pack - Complete
Description: Create, save, and print easily and in no time at all sport exercises, sports drills and training, tutorials, techniques and tactics of rugby. Are you a coach, a speaker or a teacher? Gestics is the right solution for your needs. Full version with fields, players, accessories and symbols. |
System Requirements: Works with all systems where it turns LibreOffice or OpenOffice version 3.5 or higher with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Version: 1.0 - English
Object Code: rug-1.0-eng
Price: € 49.00
Gestics - Tennis - Full Pack - Complete
Description: Create, save, and print easily and in no time sports exercises, play schemes and training, tutorials, techniques and tactics of tennis. Are you a coach, a speaker or a teacher? Gestics is the right solution for your needs. Full Version with fields, players, accessories and symbols. |
System Requirements: Works with all systems in which runs LibreOffice or OpenOffice version 3.5 or higher, Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Version: 1.0 - English
Object Code: ten-1.0-eng
Price: € 49.00
Gestics - ALL SPORTS AND GAMES, WITH SYMBOLS - Full Pack - Complete
Description: Create, save, and print easily and in no time at all sport exercises, sports drills and training, tutorials, techniques and tactics of all the sports and MOVEMENT AND SPORTS GAMES FOR KIDS. Are you a coach, a speaker or a teacher? Gestics is the right solution for your needs. Full version with fields, symbols of players and accessories. |
System Requirements: Works with all systems where it turns LibreOffice or OpenOffice version 3.5 or higher with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Version: 1.0 - English
Object Code: stg-1.0-eng
Price: € 49.00